Sunday, September 02, 2007


My company and I will be participating in BOLD Boston on September 29th.

BOLD (Birth on Labor Day) is a global movement whose mission is to bring attention to making maternity care mother-friendly and safe, and to raise awareness and funds to support mother initiated dialogue and solutions to maternity care. In a nutshell, mother-friendly care puts the woman at the center when considering any policies regarding her maternity care. It trusts the woman to know what is right for own care.

Local communities produce Karen Brody's play "Birth" which has been called "the vagina monologues" of birth. In the play, various birth vignettes are presented. The vignettes come from actual interviews that Karen Brody conducted with women about their own experiences of giving birth. One of my favorites is the one where the woman's mantra through-out her labor is "My body rocks!"

The Boston BOLD will also host a Red Tent event - and that is where we will be performing our dance MotherBirth. The dance tells the story of an empowered pregnancy and birth in which the mother is supported by a community of women including the midwife, the grandmother, and the ancestors.

Learn more about the BOLD movement!! Join us in Cambridge on September 29th!

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