Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Crone's Cauldron

I was rehearsing with my troupe last night. We are creating a new dance based on the archetype of The Crone. It will be one of a trilogy of dances depicting the goddess archetypes of the maiden, the mother and the crone. Anita-Cristina is the lead choreographer for this project. It is turning out to be a very cool dance - we are using some dark, eerie music for the opening. But, I don't want to give away anymore...

We will be presenting the dance at our year end show in June. If you live in the Boston area, you might want to check our website for information on the show...

As a troupe, we have been working with the Maiden/Mother/Crone archetypes in our dances over the past couple of years.

This began when we designed and performed a dance that was an adaptation of a dance play created by playwrite and scholar, Jeffrey Fiske, called Eve and The Serpent.

The characters are Eve - maiden, The Serpent - crone, and The Tree of Knowledge - mother. The dance re-tells The Garden of Eden story and focuses on the experiences - initiation, loss of innocence, coming of age- of the maiden. You can see photos of this dance at our website. You can learn more about Jeffrey Fiske's dance plays at Yasmina's Joy of Belly Dancing site.

The following year, we created a dance based on The Mother archetype, called "MotherBirth". I'll tell you more about this dance in my next posting...

Cathy Moore
The Goddess Dancing
Belly Dance: Body, Mind and Spirit

Monday, February 21, 2005

Belly Dancing during pregnancy

This is my first posting...

I was interviewed for an article about belly dancing during pregnancy about 6 months ago by Barbara Atkinson, a free lance journalist who was at the time taking belly dance classes from my group. The article was recently published in ePregnancy Magazine. In the print copy of the magazine, the article was given a front page blurb that stated "What's the sexiest way to prepare for labor? Belly Dancing?" OK, so it was the February issue featuring lots of references to love, sex and Valentine's day... and the cover model wearing sexy lingerie...

The article itself, is well done, and actually reflects my thoughts about belly dance as a prenatal exercise and as preparation for labor. Barbara did an excellent job with the material I gave her. You can read the article here.

And if you would like to learn more about belly dance for pregnancy and birth, visit my website and click on the links to my resource page.

Cathy Moore, Certified Nurse Midwife and belly dancer
The Goddess Dancing: Belly Dance for Body, Mind & Spirit