Tuesday, May 26, 2009


After 22 years of living in the first house that my husband and I bought together, we are moving! As you might imagine, we have accumulated a lot of stuff in those 22 years. And so this is an opportunity to cull some of our "stuff" and pass on what we are not using.

Being long-time environmentalists, we are loathe to just pitch everything into a dumpster. In my search for what to do with the "stuff", I discovered FREECYCLING.

Here's how it works: Use the link above or search on YahooGroups to find a freecycling group in your locale. Once you find a group, join and start posting the items you want to give away, and in a short time you are getting emails from people interested in your stuff!

Here's an example of one of the groups I joined: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GrotonFreeStuff/

We spent the whole weekend packing and freecycling. I set my computer up in an area I dubbed "freecycling central" and I would check my email every few hours for updates.

The most fun has been actually meeting the people who come to pick-up the "stuff" and learning a little bit about them. I love this!

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