Are you familiar with these? Among their wares are many lovely gifts of music, books, cards and jewelry - many with inspiring words such as "there is no way to peace - peace is the way" and "contentment is not the fullfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have." All very appealing to me...
Why is it then, that Isabella also carries NUMEROUS "beauty" products designed to counter the "signs of aging", or from which "you can expect 60% more firmness and a 40% reduction in the appearance of fine lines and pore size" or that promise to give you "that I-just-got-back-from-the-best-vacation-of-my-life look". These are direct quotes lifted from product descriptions.
The ubiquitous messages of you are not good enough, young enough, slim enough, bright enough, beautiful and desirable enough are everywhere!I found myself needing to call upon Corpora Amaroso - the goddess I created for the Goddess Gift create a goddess contest last year. She tells me that I am perfect just the way I am! WHEW - thank goddess I came to that realization before I purchased that anti-aging serum...